Friday, January 24, 2014


       Dear Mama,
       I'd like to tell you a little story about this evening. 

       Me and The Ap's were sitting in the dorm room with the Other at her desk ignoring us both.
Everything was pretty normal. I was reading through a homework assignment, The Ap's was laughing over some "funny" thing that happened in one of her weirdo cooking shows, and the Other was... I'm not even going to pretend to know. 

       Someone forgot their PassCard, so they were knocking at the door. Since we have the dorm room closest to the door, The Ap's is obviously the one obligated to let the forgetful person in. Or me. But it's usually her. So. She goes, opens the door, and talks to the girl coming in from the frigid cold. The Ap's then comes back into the dorm, and resumes her former position. 

      All is well.

       Several minutes go by, and suddenly the power goes out, and the entire dorm just goes black. Several girls let out blood-curdling screams. I didn't know this at the time, but they were in the shower, and the one who first screamed, she had just seen "The Roommate". In case you don't know, that's a movie about this girl who is in college, and her roommate becomes obsessed with her. Evidently in this movie, the roommate cuts out the light in the bathroom while the main chick is in the shower. Crazy Girl then sneaks into the shower with the main girl and rips out her belly button ring! The girl on my hall who screamed, she had just gotten her belly button pierced. So, she's in the shower, the lights go out and in her mind the next logical option is that someone is coming for that bellybutton! So she screams, I mean, full on belts it! So, that terrifies the already uneasy girl in the next shower, so she screams! Which scares the first girl even more, so she screams again! So, all of this is going on at the same time, and I'm just sitting there, my virginity is saying its last goodbyes, because we both know the next scene is some dude in a ski mask raping and killing us all.

       After a minute, the screaming stops, and we notice that the emergency lights in the hall had come on. So we all go out into the hall, which was not that impressive lighting-wise, but once we had come to the light, we were all convinced that boogie men were hiding in our rooms, so we didn't even go near our doors without backup. I grabbed The Ap's, and we opened the door into the dark stairwell, which, might I add, has fantastic acoustics. They're amazing to sing in, but when you're calling out to make sure no one is crying, curled up in the stairwell asking God why they didn't go up in the Rapture, the acoustics suddenly make the entire experience ten times creepier.  

      Thankfully, no one was in the stairwell.

      We then looked out the window to see who else was in the dark. The entire campus was midnight black, except for FortuneWorld across the way. They were as bright as New York 2 seconds before the New Year. And boy, did we hate them... 

    But soon our thoughts turned to other things... Now that no one was pulling out belly button rings, screaming in showers, coming at us with a ski mask, or crying in the stair well, there wasn't really all that much to do. It was then that we communally realized the internet had joined light in its little vacation away from all of us. 

     This was the moment where I got a glimpse of how incredibly pathetic my dependance on technology is. The lights go out, and I immediately become terrified of my room. The internet goes out, and I feel like, "well crap, now I have to talk to people". It's ridiculous! Thankfully though, The Ap's saved me from such deep wonderings, because she looked at me and said, "This is dumb. I'm going to just go back in the room and wait."and I thought, "Well awesome. Enjoy the serial killer." But, being the ever faithful friend that I am, (and possibly maybe because I was a little too embarrassed to admit I was scared), I went and sat on my bed. No sooner had I sat down than Boom! Light again!

     The entire campus cheered.
    The internet retuned within about 5 minutes. I added that sentence, because I know you were really concerned about that.

    So that is my story of darkness. 

    With Love,


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